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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Saturday, March 20, 2010

In the beginning...

I will start with a brief introduction of myself. My name is Somi Idowu from Nigeria originally. I live in Alberta, Canada. I decided to start a blog as a medium of expressing myself which I seem to be able to do better on paper (or in this case, typing lol) rather than in speaking. I hope to be able to share my experiences as a student currently seeking employment, a girl who is still figuring out herself and her relevance to this world, an African woman who is also transitioning to natural hair e.t.c. I am also hoping to make a break into the corporate world and have been thinking a great deal about business ideas (Gosh... it is hard!). Personality wise, I used to be painfully shy, still am to some extent but it is under control.

My Hobbies
I love to make beautiful things.
In plain and simple terms, I LOVE BEAUTY!!! From hair to dresses to nature to books to romance. ALL OF IT!!! I love perfection and organization. Beauty could be simple and complex at the same time. It is on the inside as well as on the outside.

I actually started typing this out awhile ago! without over thinking this, I will publish it :) Let me make a note that this blog is not to entertain anyone, rather, it is a means to do something I may actually find entertaining to myself. If it does entertain you, I'm glad I could help. But in the mean time, this is just a medium to document things I feel is important to me. Evolution is inevitable, that being said, I will let my good friend, Time, make that decision.

I hope I find a hobby in sharing through blogging!

Till next time, stay blessed
